
Hodnocení od zákazníků

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98.36 %
Hodnotilo celkem 4608 vodáků

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5 4394x
4 189x
3 16x
2 1x
1 8x

Všechny hodnocení jsou okamžitě viditelné na našem webu. Nic neskrýváme a jakékoli i kritické názory rádi zveřejníme. Nicméně si vyhrazujeme bránit se spamu a nesmyslům.

Robert D. (kemp) 5. 8. 2014 08:25     Podrobné informace
Šatánek Z. (kemp) 5. 8. 2014 05:04     Podrobné informace

výborné - ubytování, čistota, služby, ochota personálu - plně doporučujeme a budeme se rádi vracet.

Jonathan C. (kemp) 4. 8. 2014 22:03     Podrobné informace

I recently stayed at Camp Branna on the Vltava river as part of a canoe trip in July 2014. I don't know which box to write in and so I shall copy in my comment into each. Camp Branna is lovely. The chap in reception was very friendly and laid back. When I checked in he said "Get a beer, make yourself at home and then you can sort out the payment later". We hired a small hut with four beds (2 sets of bunk beds) and it was cosy and pleasant. The campsite is charming, set on the bank of the river with plenty of tall pine trees for shade. There were also open fires and many people having a good time. The camp had a small restaurant which served you amazingly quickly. The supper and breakfast we had was really good value. I had a large plate of scrambled eggs and it was very tasty. I don't think they get many English tourists here but we had no problem asking for things e.g. food and drink. Their English is humiliatingly good. The only thing I would say is that the shower token for 20 Czk (about 60p) gives just 2 minutes water. But you can stop the shower and restart it to give you additional time. Or probably best to get several tokens. It is a wonderful campsite. Really friendly with a wonderful atmosphere.

  • I recently stayed at Camp Branna on the Vltava river as part of a canoe trip in July 2014. I don't know which box to write in and so I shall copy in my comment into each.
  • Camp Branna is lovely. The chap in reception was very friendly and laid back. When I checked in he said "Get a beer, make yourself at home and then you can sort out the payment later".
  • We hired a small hut with four beds (2 sets of bunk beds) and it was cosy and pleasant.
  • The campsite is charming, set on the bank of the river with plenty of tall pine trees for shade.
  • There were also open fires and many people having a good time.
  • The camp had a small restaurant which served you amazingly quickly. The supper and breakfast we had was really good value. I had a large plate of scrambled eggs and it was very tasty.
  • I don't think they get many English tourists here but we had no problem asking for things e.g. food and drink. Their English is humiliatingly good.
  • The only thing I would say is that the shower token for 20 Czk (about 60p) gives just 2 minutes water. But you can stop the shower and restart it to give you additional time. Or probably best to get several tokens.
  • It is a wonderful campsite. Really friendly with a wonderful atmosphere.
  • I recently stayed at Camp Branna on the Vltava river as part of a canoe trip in July 2014. I don't know which box to write in and so I shall copy in my comment into each.
  • Camp Branna is lovely. The chap in reception was very friendly and laid back. When I checked in he said "Get a beer, make yourself at home and then you can sort out the payment later".
  • We hired a small hut with four beds (2 sets of bunk beds) and it was cosy and pleasant.
  • The campsite is charming, set on the bank of the river with plenty of tall pine trees for shade.
  • There were also open fires and many people having a good time.
  • The camp had a small restaurant which served you amazingly quickly. The supper and breakfast we had was really good value. I had a large plate of scrambled eggs and it was very tasty.
  • I don't think they get many English tourists here but we had no problem asking for things e.g. food and drink. Their English is humiliatingly good.
  • The only thing I would say is that the shower token for 20 Czk (about 60p) gives just 2 minutes water. But you can stop the shower and restart it to give you additional time. Or probably best to get several tokens.
  • It is a wonderful campsite. Really friendly with a wonderful atmosphere.
Josef C. (kemp) 4. 8. 2014 16:59     Podrobné informace

Super, pro dohodu platí podaná ruka. To už se málo kdy vidí. Jste féroví kluci a byl jsem spokojen.

Petr F. (půjčovna) 4. 8. 2014 15:59     Podrobné informace

Jste dobří, určitě se ještě uvidíme. Ahoooj

Radka K. (půjčovna) 4. 8. 2014 14:19     Podrobné informace

Maximální spokojenost již po dlouhou řadu let s KANAKEM. Jsou super vřele doporučuji :-)

  • Osobní, individuální přístup. Snaha vždy vyjít vstříc. Rychlá komunikace. Dobrá cena služeb, nenavýšená po řadu let.
  • Po více než deset let s KANAKEM jsem nenašla žádnou slabinu a pokud najdou něco ke zlepšení, bude to luxus.
Martin S. (půjčovna) 4. 8. 2014 10:57     Podrobné informace

- Vstřícné jednání a pohodová komunikace - Pokud je třeba, není problém upravit objednávku i přes naplánovanou rezervaci

  • - viz. bod jedna
Richard B. (kemp) 4. 8. 2014 10:28     Podrobné informace
Věra V. (půjčovna) 4. 8. 2014 10:12     Podrobné informace

Supr přístup, moc se nám líbilo.

  • Možnost nabíjet telefon. Relativní čistota sprch a WC.
Bohumil K. (půjčovna) 4. 8. 2014 01:31     Podrobné informace
Radek L. (půjčovna) 3. 8. 2014 21:14     Podrobné informace

celá vodácká parta byla se vším velmi spokojena

  • super jídlo a pivo
  • vyborné zázemí v kempu
  • čisto v kempu
  • super večerní program
  • příjemná obsluha
  • jednoduchá domluva ohledně zapůjčení lodí
  • žádné jsme neshledali
Bára J. (půjčovna) 3. 8. 2014 10:26     Podrobné informace
Martin K. (půjčovna) 3. 8. 2014 06:39     Podrobné informace
Oldřich K. (půjčovna) 2. 8. 2014 23:21     Podrobné informace

Byl jsem velmi spokojen, vše proběhlo podle předem dohodnutého plánu. Děkuji Olda K.

JANA n. (půjčovna) 2. 8. 2014 12:51     Podrobné informace


  • dobrá hygiena
  • obrovská ochota
  • super občerstvení
Martin K. (kemp) 2. 8. 2014 06:25     Podrobné informace


Josef R. (kemp) 1. 8. 2014 22:33     Podrobné informace
pavel o. (půjčovna) 1. 8. 2014 16:19     Podrobné informace
Miroslav M. (půjčovna) 1. 8. 2014 15:03     Podrobné informace
Pavel B. (půjčovna) 1. 8. 2014 09:59     Podrobné informace

Vše fungující, schopni okamžitě reagovat na změny.

  • Velice vstřícný přístup.
  • Slabiny? Nejsou. Služby této půjčovny jsem využil popáté a vždy bez jakéhokoliv problému. Letos jsem zapůjčil 16 lodí a problém neexistoval.

Kanak - Ověřeno vodáky 98.36 % - 4608 hodnocení
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